The COGITO project is focused on the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) with dynamic cognitive systems (SDC) with the aim of improving the management of public and residential buildings with cognitive and self-developed capabilities. The goal of the project is to combine IoT technology, cognitive computing, big data, machine learning and reasoning to help people live and work better in buildings, as well as maintain and manage the building itself by providing it with the capabilities to learn over time how to improve building management by acting in advance by performing programming, monitoring and control actions.

New custom services will be developed that will take into account building occupants, reduce costs through automation and optimization of facilities, and improve end-user satisfaction. The project will develop a Cognitive IoT (CIoT) architecture that will integrate thousands of sensors in buildings and will be able to learn about building behaviors and intuitively assist users in detecting and mitigating undesired events. Cognitive buildings will be able to analyze the use of space, monitor the comfort of the occupants and generate intelligent building management systems. To this end, a new generation of smart devices will be designed, namely Cognitive Objects, in order to increase the reliability, flexibility and graininess of the data provided.